Majority of people would throw away their broken flip flops, as there was no lasting fix. Fix your Flop now has the solution to fix your broken flops. Simply screw onto the broken thong and fixed!
Place the other Skrewitz on your key ring for any future blowouts for you or a friend!

More than 10 million flip flops are thrown away every year.
We all love flip flops, they are comfortable, affordable and generally durable. However, that’s also a big part of the problem, when they are discarded they don’t go away. Fix your Flop’s are proudly recyclable and contribute to the environment by minimizing the amount of plastic waste from humans.

Fix Your Flop instruction guide.
*Fits onto most types of rubber strap flip flops

1. Simply peel back the sticker off the back of the packaging, to remove the Skrewit devices.
2. In case of the old thong strap knob pulling through the flip flop sole, cut the old knob off the thong strap with scissors. If necessary a 10mm spanner can be used to support the Skrewit device while using the serrated edge to cut off the old thong strap knob.

3. Pull the broken thong strap end through the flip flop sole (foot position side) and insert the thong strap’s free end into Skrewit’z entry hole as indicated below. Apply pressure by hand (a standard size 10mm spanner or the like can also be used for additional support) and turn clockwise until the Skrewit is firmly in place.
4. Do not over-tighten as thong strap may shear off. A new thread is now tapped onto the thong strap.
5. Now UNSCREW the Skrewit repair device again.

7. Pull on the thong strap, now with the Skrewit device attached, until the Skrewit device is in position under the sole. The large diameter of the Skrewit device must be flush and flat with the sole underneath the flip flop.
8. Start walking with your Repaired and ReNewed Flip Flops.
*Keep on key ring for emergencies.

Engageable by a tool such as spanner or the like, for exerting a turning force on the Skrewit repair device for assisting screwing of the repair device onto the free end of the toe thong strap.
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Mark: +27(0)82 651 7330